Our People
We are intrinsically linked to our traditional territory. The Elders in our communities are the knowledge keepers that help guide us in the right direction.
Our Land
The breathtaking natural beauty of the north needs to be protected. We have been sustainably managing this land since time immemorial, and we will continue to be part of it for generations to come.
Our Culture
Dene are caribou. Caribou are Dene.
Barren-ground Caribou are the keystone species upon which our culture pivots, playing an important role in many aspects of the Denesųłiné culture.
Our Lives
Undefined by borders, Nuhenéné is the lands of the far north of Saskatchewan and beyond. Traditional Land Use and Occupancy data shows the extent that the Denesųłiné travel to practice their culture, and is also related to how the caribou travel across the land.